
9 Effective Strategies to Get Children Up and Ready in the Morning

9 Effective Strategies to Get Children Up and Ready in the Morning

Mornings with children can be chaotic. Trying to get your little ones up, washed, dressed, fed and out the door on time for school and childcare can feel like an uphill battle. But having a consistent morning routine and structure can transform those stressful mornings into calmer, smoother starts to your day. In the following sections, we’ll explore nine strategies to help get your children up and ready in the morning with minimal fuss and frustration.

1. Use Positive Reinforcement

Rather than scolding and threatening your children in the mornings, try using positive reinforcement. Praise and reward good behaviour like getting dressed quickly, eating breakfast, brushing teeth, etc. Consider using a reward chart, special treats, or fun weekend activities as incentives. Positive reinforcement builds habits through consistency and encouragement.

2. Set a Morning Routine

Consistent routines create habits and expectations that help children transition smoothly. Use tools like visual schedules, timers, checklists or apps. Brushing teeth, getting dressed, eating breakfast, and other tasks should happen in the same order daily. For children who are new to your home, if you are short-term fostering, for example, you should provide extra encouragement and support in the mornings as they adjust to the routine.

3. Make Mornings Fun

Turn mornings into a playful, bonding time with games, music, and imagination. Give stuffed animals rides from bed to breakfast or have a dance party while getting dressed. Laughter and playfulness promote cooperation and make mornings more enjoyable for everyone.

4. Pick Out Clothes the Night Before

Laying out clothes, shoes, socks, and coats the night before saves time and headaches in the morning. Check the weather forecast and choose appropriate outfits. Having items ready to go prevents children from dawdling over what to wear.

5. Prepare Backpacks and Lunches

Get backpacks, lunch boxes, water bottles, snacks, homework, and anything else ready by the front door before bedtime. This prevents last-minute scrambling for items you inevitably discover are lost or missing.

6. Gradual Wake-Up

Rather than abruptly waking children, gently rouse them 10-15 minutes before their get-up time. Open blinds, play soft music and rub their backs. This gradual awakening is less jarring.

7. Involve Children in Planning

Let children help plan and take ownership of morning routines. Ask for input on schedules, outfits, breakfast menus and more. They’ll be more motivated when they feel involved.

8. Set Realistic Timelines

Make sure your schedule is realistic, not rushed. Build in extra padding so you don’t start the day already behind and stressed. Adjust timelines as needed based on your family’s needs.

9. Use Alarm Clocks

Put alarm clocks or OK to Wake lights in your child’s room. Let them be responsible for waking at the set time to help build independence.

Getting out the door on time with happy, cooperating children may feel impossible some mornings. But with patience and these strategies, smooth, stress-free mornings can become a reality in your home. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Habits and cooperation develop over time. Stick to routines, incentivise good behaviour, and involve your children. Your hard work will pay off with mornings that run like clockwork.

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