
A Golden Experience: Amritsar’s Heritage Walk and a Luxurious Stay Near the Iconic Temple

Imagine standing in Amritsar, the holy city of Sikhism, with the Golden Temple dome shining in the distance. Around you, the thick smell of simmering curries mixes with the sweet aroma of jalebi from nearby sweet shops. So, you are about to journey through time as you delve deep into what defines Amritsar culturally and historically. However, before anything else, let me tell you where to be based if you go on this adventure—the perfect location I found right at the heart of it all!

Choosing Where to Stay

After hours upon hours of research (and, okay, let’s face it, also some procrastination), I found out about Bloom Hotel – Heritage Walk. I usually don’t trust hotel descriptions because who among us has not experienced looking forward to something that does not meet our expectations immediately upon arrival? But I must say Bloom was a very pleasant surprise from the word go.

Amritsar's Heritage Walk and a Luxurious Stay Near the Iconic Temple

As soon as I entered it, the first thing that struck me was how neat everything looked, in addition to being modern and edgy. It is the sort of place that will make you feel like taking pictures for your Instagram account. What caught my attention most was the cleanliness level here; I mean, if there were food grains scattered on this floor, I would have picked and eaten safely without getting sick at all. (I won’t actually do it :p)

The staff at the reception desk welcomed me with warm smiles and checked me in very efficiently. Before long, I was already inside my room. The view of the city through my window would have made for a good photo album on Instagram. But the real star of the show? The CloudBed! I really fell asleep quickly and boy it was so sound. I could feel being on the cloud – if it was a really supportive and warm place, like your cozy blanket, never getting wet from the drizzle or cold breeze.

Choosing Where to Stay

Preparing for the Heritage Walk with Breakfast

Before setting off for the heritage walk, I decided to have breakfast at the café in Bloom. I must say their breakfast spread was something else entirely. From fluffy omelettes to crispy parathas, they had it all. I may have gone overboard, but hey, I needed the energy to walk ahead, right?

Stepping Into History

With my stomach full from eating and a bounce in my step thanks to the CloudBed, I was ready to go on the Heritage Walk. But do you know what the best part was? The Golden Temple is just a four-minute walk from this hotel. What could be more convenient than that?

As we join the guided tour, Gurpreet, our lively guide, starts extolling the history of Amritsar. We turned through narrow alleys revealing one new story after another. The ancient havelis, with their ornate woodwork, told us about a past era, although whispered.

Our first major stop on our walking tour was Qila Ahluwalia, which belonged to one of twelve misls (independent states) within the Sikh Confederacy. The richly painted frescoes and intricate architecture left me in admiration as we walked around this place. I touched these walls made of cool stone blocks with my bare hands, trying through them to feel centuries’ worth of facts all over again.

Our progress was accompanied by a whiff of freshly baked kulchas. “Well,” chuckled Gurpreet, seeing our eyes glued to the food. No worries, guys—we’re going by Bhai Kulwant Singh Kulche on our way to the hotel, just four minutes walk from here; believe me, you’ll be wishing for more.”

A Sobering Reminder

The next site was Jallianwala Bagh which is a mere two-minute walk from your lodging place. On our entering the memorial, the atmosphere changed immediately. The bullet holes in the walls served as a stark reminder of the tragic massacre that occurred here. As Gurpreet recounted the events of that fateful day, a hushed silence fell over our group. It was a powerful moment – a reminder of the cost of independence and the strength of the human spirit that endures time.

Journey Through Time

Then, we walked through the Partition Museum, which was only 5 minutes away from Bloom Hotel. For me personally, whose grandparents went through the partition, this visit was particularly emotional journeying back into the past. The personal stories and immersive exhibits at the museum brought me to tears more than once. So, with such a deep historical meaning, this place is really worth visiting.

The Best Thing Ever

As the sun began to set, we headed towards Golden Temple. The direct reflection of diminishing daylight on the glistening golden dome literally took my breath away. We removed our shoes, covered our heads, and entered tranquillity within the complex. It was filled with the sound of kirtan (devotional songs) that promoted peace.

I joined the queue of devotees encircling the holy sarovar (pool), soaking up the serene chants. It was a moment of peace amid the bustling city- a moment that would always stay with me.

A Nightcap with New Friends

Finally, my friends from the group and I were not ready yet for the end of the day, so I was glad when I found another couple who still wanted to prolong it. We decided to check out the nightlife Gurpreet had mentioned earlier.

It’s your turn to explore

So how do you like my whirlwind tour of Amritsar’s heritage combined with the most comfortable stay at Bloom Hotel—Heritage Walk? If you’re planning a trip to this historic city, I can’t recommend this experience enough. The convenience of staying close to all the major attractions, combined with the comfort and modern amenities of Bloom Hotel, made for an unforgettable trip. It is undoubtedly the best hotel near Golden Temple.

Also, remember that Amritsar takes time to reveal all its cards, so savour every moment spent there, especially eating kulchas from here. Who knows, maybe we could meet sometime next? Till then, may all your journeys be full of bliss!

S. Publisher

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