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Ultimate Guide To Finding The Perfect Shampoo For Your Hair Type

Ultimate Guide To Finding The Perfect Shampoo For Your Hair Type

Picking the right shampoo for your hair type is a pivotal aspect of achieving a healthy scalp and tress. It must smoothen, strengthen, and hydrate your hair, all in a single bottle. Thus, when starting your journey to find the right concoction, it is essential to understand your hair and scalp type, along with the other factors that can help you find the best cleanser. As such, we have curated a detailed guide that will help you find the ideal shampoo. But remember, finding the right formula is a combination of awareness and a bit of trial and error. So, let’s continue reading ahead and identify the true bathing companion for your beautiful tresses.

1. Identifying Your Scalp Type

A shampoo is primarily a hair-cleansing agent, but you need to consider your scalp also before you buy shampoo. Generally, there are three scalp conditions: dry, oily and combination. If it feels itchy with or without any flakes after a good wash, that means you have a dry scalp. On the other hand, an oily scalp could be shinier, and the dandruff flakes can be clumped together. Then comes the combination scalp, which is neither oily nor dry. In this case, the scalp becomes oily after two to three days of washing your hair and not immediately after.

Note: The main purpose of shampoo is to cleanse the roots and scalp, whereas the conditioner is meant for the ends of your hair.

To further know about the kind of product you should use, understand the sub-divisions below.

Dry Scalps: Reach for Moisturising Products

If your scalp is flaky, itchy, or dry, then you can follow the tips below to pick the right shampoo.

  • Avoid using a lot of dry cleansers since layers of oil-absorbing shampoo will dry out your scalp skin further.
  • Refrain from using volumising, fortifying, and strengthening shampoos since these can rid necessary moisture from your hair.
  • One should also avoid using cleansers with sulphates since that will dry out both the scalp and the hair.

Oil Scalps: Avoid Overly-Moisturising Shampoos

If you have a scalp that tends to get greasy or oily quickly, then you may have already been through several products and tried to control the excess sebum and oil production. If so, then you can use the below tips to understand what you should do in your cleanser and what you should avoid.

  • Refrain from using shampoos that are moisturising, hydrating, or good for curly hair. You may need a deeper cleansing and less moisturising shampoo since these cleansers, by design, are meant to clean out your roots more than any other part of your hair.
  • A clarifying product is a big help for a super-oily scalp. At the same time, be careful and avoid overusing since that can dry out your skin.
  • Break up the oil on your scalp by spending extra time working the shampoo in your hair. Ensure that you wash out your scalp properly after every use.

2. Know Your Hair Type

Consider your hair type after factoring in your scalp when you are looking for a shampoo. Ensure that you keep the following things in mind when looking for the right one.

Wavy Hair: Find a middle-of-the-road option by balancing both oily and dry shampoos. Ensure that your cleanser is not too moisturising since that can dry out your hair.

Thick Hair: Moisturising or hydrating cleansers are great for adding shine, hydration, and smoothness to any thick hair that may be coarse and rough.

Fine Hair: Find volumising cleansers that boost your strands without making your hair feel heavy.

Brittle or Coloured or Damaged Hair: Fortifying or strengthening shampoos work wonders for over-processed, damaged, weakened, highlighted, or brittle hair since they generally come with extra protein, which improves hair condition.

Curly Hair: If you have curly hair, then you should look for an extremely moisturising hair product that will have ingredients to reduce the frizz from your hair without weighing it down.

3. Say NO to Chemicals and Silicones

Healthy hair means having bouncy, shiny, and luscious tresses that have great elasticity. If your hair does not have the necessary bounce, then it could be because it is not well moisturised. So, ensure that heavy silicones or chemicals do not weigh your hair down. Add products free from sulphates, parabens, synthetic dyes and artificial fragrances to enhance the radiance in your locks.

4. Look for Natural Ingredients

Check the ingredient list on the label and opt for options that contain natural and plant-based ingredients. Look for products that are infused with the goodness of essential oils, botanical extracts, keratin, and moisturising cream that will make your hair feel lightweight and moisturised. For instance, if you have dry hair, then you can use a humectant such as glycerin to help bring in and lock the moisture.


Having the right cleanser for your hair and scalp can show wondrous results. But it can also be an overwhelming endeavour when you have so many options to choose from. As such, these factors will help you in getting the perfect concoction. Once you buy shampoo that is the best for your scalp and hair, you will be left with bouncy, strong, and shiny hair that others long for.

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