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How to Tell If You Have an Oversized Air Conditioner

How to Tell If You Have an Oversized Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner is undoubtedly one of the top five perks of your home. It’s common knowledge that you should regularly clean your air filters and have them professionally maintained, but did you know that size matters, too? Also, larger air conditioners aren’t necessarily better.

In fact, there will be costly maintenance issues if the system is too big for the residence. Air conditioners that are too large for a given space are less effective, wear down more quickly, and don’t last as long as their smaller counterparts. This can increase utility costs, necessitate more regular maintenance, and make the home uncomfortable to live in. has the best HVAC specialists, so if you’re looking to improve the quality of your indoor air and the comfort of your house, call them first. Get in touch with them now to schedule your servicing!

1. Reduced longevity and increased energy costs:

Oversized air conditioners have continuously short-cycle, leading to unnecessary wear and tear. They don’t hold up as well as properly sized ones. More energy is used, which results in greater utility costs and more frequent AC problems.

Make sure you get an HVAC contractor like marvellous who will precisely measure your space before spending money on a new air conditioner installation.

2. Excessive Humidity:

The air in a home can’t be dehumidified properly with a unit that is too big. The condensate drain pipe is where the water from the air conditioner’s condensation drips into after collecting on the coil. The moisture won’t drain if the unit isn’t running long enough. Instead, it dissipates into thin air and is sucked back into your house.

3. Rapid Cycling:

An big air conditioner will cool your home to the desired temperature in ten minutes or less, at which point it will turn off, which isn’t long enough to cool and dehumidify your home, so it cycles back on, only for a brief period once again, and then switches off. A smaller, correctly sized AC system stays on for around 30 minutes. It gradually adapts to the cooling demands of your home, giving it more time to do its work properly.

4. Temperature Extremes:

Oversized air conditioners don’t provide adequate cooling to spaces that are further from the thermostat. Because of this, there are hot zones in your home that you always have to deal with.

Isn’t It True That A Larger HVAC System Has More Power And, Thus, Is Better?

That is a typical misunderstanding. Having a more powerful HVAC system is unnecessary. Each residence has an ideal BTU (heating) and tonnage (air conditioning) range. Larger HVAC systems aren’t necessarily superior because air conditioners that are too big don’t remove moisture effectively.

Your home will be comfortably cool in no time with all that extra tonnage, allowing for shorter air conditioning cycles. Extended AC cycles are better in removing moisture from the air. However, shorter ones do not.

That big air conditioner may get the temperature down to 73 degrees F rapidly, but it has a hard time maintaining a relative humidity level below 60%. As a result, you feel hot and sticky and uneasy despite the fact that the thermostat says it should be much cooler. Poor dehumidification, by the way, results in poor indoor air quality.

When your home’s heating system is too large, your living space becomes an oven. You need even heating throughout the house in the winter. That can be achieved with a air conditioner of adequate size.

An enormous one will blast you with extremely hot air and immediately satisfy the thermostat. This causes temperature variations throughout the house. It’s like sleeping in a volcano if your bed is situated just beneath a vent. For this reason, HVAC systems should not be excessive. Contrary to popular belief, they do not improve your comfort level.

When Your AC Is Too Big, What To Do?

It’s upsetting to learn that your home’s air conditioning is too large for the space available. If the cooling system is too big for your house, you have a few choices:

  • A standalone humidifier may help if your home looks wet because the cooling system is too big but you are unable to buy a new one it. Humidifiers work in tandem with air conditioners to eliminate humidity buildup.
  • In some circumstances, having an HVAC professional install the air ducts to a previously uncooled region of the house might help distribute the extra air from a large system.
  • A new cooling system is a significant investment, but it may be worthwhile. It’s an expensive fix, but it will reduce your utility bills and make your home more pleasant. By upgrading to a unit that is proportional to your home’s cooling needs, you can avoid spending as much on repairs.

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