
How To Get More Views On Youtube: 16 Tips That Actually Work

YouTube has evolved into one of the best digital marketing tools. It is no longer just a platform to watch funny, scary, or conspiracy videos. It has moved beyond this bar and established itself as a full-fledged marketplace.

People and brands buy YouTube subscribers by searching for the best sites to buy YouTube subscribers. However, you need to be strategic to use this paid engagement and still stay out of sight of YouTube’s bot detectors.

As a result, it is better to take the safe route, understand the algorithm, and develop a versatile social media marketing strategy.

I have listed a few points to help you with your YouTube marketing strategy. I hope this will help you increase the number of views on your videos.

1) Select a niche

It is the fundamental step of starting a YouTube channel. If you have not decided on your niche, pick one. It is beneficial to map out your YouTube marketing strategy.

When you are clear about your niche, you can plan your content accordingly to target the right audience using YouTube SEO strategies and generate viewership.

2) Optimize Your Account

To grow on YouTube, you must follow the SEO rules. YouTube SEO can help you get a high number of views and subscribers.

The first step of this algorithm is optimization.

Pick a good name for your channel, which can probably be your brand name. Add a description of your channel, elaborating on the motive and the motivation.

Make sure to organize your videos into different playlists. It makes you appear more professional and organized. As a result, you can get more YouTube views.

3) Determine Your Target Audience

Identify the group of people your videos are for. Is it for women or men? Kids or adults? Businessmen or chefs?

Every niche has a specific audience. Once you identify the audience, you can target it accordingly. When you reach the right age, you can expect more engagement.

See Also: 200+ Catchy and Creative YouTube Channel Name Ideas‍ in 2024

4) Video Optimization

Optimize your videos according to YouTube SEO. It includes adding relevant keywords and tags.

The right keywords on your title and description will group your video with similar videos. As a result, your videos pop up in suggestions to the target audience.

As a result, your visibility increases the number of views and subscribers.

Also, add an attractive thumbnail that can draw the viewer’s attention. Make sure it is creative and relevant to your video.

See Also: 30+ YouTube SEO Tools to Boost Your Video Rankings in 2024

5) Consistency

Consistency is central to all social media platforms. You can establish your brand personality when you post consistently.

Consistent accounts are also perceived to be more reliable than the others.

YouTube SEO also supports consistent accounts and ranks them higher than the others.

You cannot influence people if you post only twice a month or thrice a month. Even if you buy YouTube subscribers or look or the best sites to buy YouTube subscribers,  consistency matters.

You need to be more active and create more videos to reach more people and get more subscribers.

6) Contests and Prizes

Contests and giveaways make people subscribe to your channel and watch your videos.

Many social media marketers use this trick.

You can ask the participants to subscribe to your channels, like the first three or last three videos, and hit the cue to the prize in any of the videos.

This way, you can leverage their curiosity to induce engagement and

7) Keep an eye out for peak hours.

All digital marketers look for peak hours before posting to reach the maximum number of people. Similarly, you have to apply the same trick on YouTube.

YouTube lets you monitor the peak hours of your target audience. As a result, you can post your videos accordingly. If your target audience is in another time zone, you must monitor the posting hours accordingly.

8) Capitalize on Trends

As a YouTuber and a social media marketer in general, following these trends is paramount to your social media marketing success.

It popularizes your videos as YouTube SEO ranks such videos higher than the others.

It also increases the interest of your target audience.

9) Be distinct.

Following the trends is crucial, but equally significant and impactful is unique content.

Social media is a platform for creativity. As a result, you must do something different than the other competitors in your niche. Being unique will set you apart from the competition and help you gain more views and subscribers.

10) Interact with your audience

Your audience makes your YouTube family. It is their engagement that will bring you results and success. However, to maintain that family, you need to make them feel valued and rewarded.

Therefore, it is crucial to engage with them. As a Youtuber, you must reply to their comments, thank them for their support, and share memorable moments with them.

It helps develop an affinity and, thus, a loyal pool of subscribers.

11) Go live with it

Gong Live is a great way to influence people beyond your subscribers.

Going Live allows you to participate in live conversations, solve doubts and queries, and answer questions.

It helps people learn more about your channel, increasing the chances of gaining more Instagram followers.

12) Collaborate

Collaboration is a widely used way to engage directly with people beyond your immediate environment. It helps you reach your audience and that of your collaboration partner.

However, make sure to pick the right partner that can help with your subscriptions and increase viewership.

13) Make Use of Hashtags

Hashtags have a similar function everywhere. They help the target audience find your videos. If someone searches for #fashionhacks and your video does not have this hashtag, you will miss your target audience.

Similarly, using relevant hashtags helps you reach more people who watch similar content. It groups your videos into similar niches so that you can increase your viewership.

14) Quality

Quality has become non-negotiable in the present time. As a result, people are creating high-resolution videos to bring out vibrant and clear visuals that are appealing and interesting.

Therefore, quality is paramount. So you must invest in good cameras, lights, and sound systems to make the best of your YouTube channel and videos.

(15) Call To Action

Incorporating call-to-action in your videos will help increase viewership and subscribers.

You can add a subscribe prompt at the end of videos to make your viewers subscribe. You can ask them to watch other videos in the specialized playlist for more information on the topic.

16) Cross-Marketing

To maximize your reach and help your business grow, you have to move beyond YouTube. Make your presence on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. It aids in creating a larger pool of followers that can be directed to other channels and shared with followers and subscribers.

You can fasten the process of buying YouTube subscribers by searching for the best sites to buy YouTube subscribers. When your Instagram followers explore your YouTube channel and find a good number of followers, they will be interested in engaging with it.


YouTube can be excellent for your business if you understand how it works. As a result, when you learn more about YouTube SEO, you can reach more people and amplify your channel.

You must also have a budget before launching your YouTube channel. It will cover expenses like equipment, money to buy YouTube subscribers or look for the best sites to buy YouTube subscribers, prizes for contests and giveaways, etc.

Remember that organic traffic is slow, but it is the most vital ingredient to your long-term success.


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