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Master Your Instagram Bio By Using These10 Expert Tips

Craft a Captivating Profile with These Strategies

Within a few milliseconds, we decide whether we are interested in an Instagram profile or not. Therefore, you should use every option to make your feed clear and meaningful.

Do you find it difficult to describe yourself or your brand in a short + creative way? Are you wondering how other users use unusual symbols or characters in their bio?

Then this article is sure to help you write a strong Instagram bio.


Instagram Bio Tips


In the first place, you should think about what is the goal of your Instagram profile. What action do you want to achieve through your bio? You can choose between the following goals:

  • generate new followers for your email newsletter
  • highlight a blog post or video
  • Build brand awareness
  • by selling a product or service
  • and other possible promotions such as competitions, coupons, events, etc.

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You can use either your logo or a picture of yourself as your profile picture. A beautiful picture of you gives your profile “a face”. This has the advantage that your profile appears more personal and automatically much more human. This makes your feed much more tangible for the user than a profile without a personal touch. Because here too, people like to buy from people.

However, if you do not want to do without your logo for certain reasons, you can still use it as your profile picture. That’s how I do it at Ultra Updates.

I would like the Ultra Updates to be automatically associated with the warm, yellow color in my logo. Therefore I use the logo as a profile picture. But so that my feed still gets “a personal face”, I occasionally post a personal picture of myself via my feed.

Read Also: Instagram Aesthetic Icons – Get The Neon Instagram Logo


Your username is one of the most important pieces of information in your Instagram bio. The reason: It is the only content that is considered via the Instagram search function. So it makes sense that you include your keywords in your username. Keywords are search terms that your potential followers enter on Instagram.

Here are a few suggestions for your username:

  • You can integrate your city into your profile name if your business relates to a specific location @brand_location
  • You can also create a name combination from your brand name XY + your activity. Example: @xygraficagency, @xystudio, @xydesign, @xyphotography, @ xycafe, @xyattelier
  • If your name has already been given to a private person, you can change the spelling with dots, sub-, or hyphens or you can use the designation “official” e.g. @ultra.updates, @ultra_updates, @ultra-updates, @ultraupdates_official.

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Your profile name should give the user the first impression of your brand. If your brand name is already integrated with your user name, you can already use other additional information here. This avoids duplicating user and profile names. It is best to include a brief description of your product or service here. Think of a smart sentence or a combination of words (max. 30 characters are allowed).


The field of activity is directly under your profile name. It appears automatically when you link your Instagram profile to your Facebook page. You can change your field of activity in the settings of your Facebook page.


Your profile description contains specific information about you and your business. Here comes who you are and what exactly you offer. You can and should also add a link to your website or blog here. You must include a Call To Action at this point so that users click on your link. The call to action is the action that you want to achieve via your bio (see point 1). Unfortunately, the profile description has a rather tight character limit of a maximum of 130 characters. That’s why you should think carefully about what you write.

It can look like this:

  • WHO ?: Hi! I’m a Lucy content, social media, and marketing expert
  • WHAT ?: Social media tips
  • FOR WHO ?: For companies, self-employed and creative people
  • CALL TO ACTION + LINK: Read The Blog + Link


Choose a brief and meaningful call to action, such as subscribing to the newsletter, choosing a package now, reading the blog, shopping now, taking part in the competition now, clicking on the link, etc.

Be careful not to clutter your bio with long links. With the help of Bitly, you can shorten your links and customize the URL. You can also use Bitly to track exactly when and how many users clicked on your link. Unfortunately, Instagram allows you to include just one link in your entire profile.

My tip: If you want to link to several blog articles, for example, you can bundle your links with the Linktree tool. Here the user decides on which article he would like to click further.


A little hint, but one that is often forgotten. Always make sure that the user can contact you via an email address. Many users don’t know how to message you on Instagram. Make it as easy as possible for them. Offer them at least two contact options via Instagram.


Add a location to your profile if your business relates to a specific location. Even if you offer your product or service nationwide, it makes sense to add your location – that makes you and your business more tangible. People who live near you are often ready to follow you when they see that you come from their area and are also “one of them”.


Paragraphs in the bio are not possible on Instagram. If you want to have a blank line or a paragraph in your text, it is unfortunately not enough to press the Enter key. Instagram automatically deletes the spaces and the text often looks squashed. But there is a little trick you can use to add a paragraph anyway. At the point where you want a blank line, you copy these invisible characters:


Instagram does not delete these characters and the text looks clearer and is easier to read.

Instagram makes the same font available for every user. There is a trick that you can use other fonts in your bio to make your profile a little more eye-catching. Different apps for iOS and Android offer this function, e.g. App Fonts (iOS) and HiFonts (Android).

Feel free to try out the font options, but please don’t overdo it! Too much flourish can sometimes look unprofessional or make it difficult to read.

Read also: 7 Best Ways To Manage Your Instagram Account Like A Pro

Do you have any questions about this post? In general, is there something that you want to know or learn? Write it below as a comment or send me an email!



Hi. I'm Mursaleen Siddique, The guy behind I'd rather call myself a struggling Blogger. I love Blogging with WordPress, Covering Tech, General Topics, Graphic & Web Design Inspiration., Feel free to get in touch via mentioned social media platform or E-mail me at hello[at]
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