Famous Islamic and Muslim Quotes and Sayings -

22+ Islamic Friendship Quotes For Your Best Friends

islamic quotes about friends

There is no need to say that friendship is one of the most precious relations in this world. Tough every relationship is filled with care, love, respect, and honesty. But sometimes in the most difficult time, we need someone who can understand our situation and does not warn us about society and what people would say. A true friend is the one who remains with us in every circumstance.

Allah Subhanawa Talla has blessed us with many things in this Duniya. Those people are the most blessed one who has friends who are worried about their friend’s Akhirah.

Here I’m Sharing 22+ Islamic Friendship Quotes that will make you realize that you’re blessed to have such good pious friends. Don’t forget to share these quotes with your best friends.

Islamic Quotes About Friends

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A Friend in Deen is a Friend Indeed.

When I see them they remind me of Allah. When I sit with them my iman increases. When I speak to them my knowledge about Islam increases. They are the ones pushing me towards Jannah. They are my companions in this world and hereafter. Worth more than anything and everything this world can offer. – Nusrath Aaliyah

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True Friends Help each other in deen.

When you feel low or sad look around you. Who are your friends? Surround yourself with those who remind you of Allah and become happy.

The Greatest thing a friend can do for you is bring you closer to Allah.

Real friends want to be neighbors in Jannah.

Imagine Allah forgives you and takes you into Jannah because you were the cause for your friend to repent.

islamic friendship sayings

If Allah supports you then no one can defeat you.

Alhamdulillah for friends who are like sisters.

If you are looking for a faultless friend, you will be friendless. Jalaluddin Al Rumi

If you have a friend who helps you obey Allah, Hold onto him.

A Good Friend not only cares about your relationship with them but also your relationship with Allah. – Saad Tasleem

Friends Till Jannah.

See Also: 90+ Beautiful Sister Sayings to Cherish and Inspire

Sisterhood for the sake of Allah is the best friendship.

A True Friend Cares About Your Akhirah.

Your Friend is the one who mentions Allah to you in your presence and mentions you to Allah in your absence.

islamic friendship quotes

If you have someone in your life that encourages you to practice Islam. Consider yourself blessed.

You’re my best friend in this world and I hope we’ll meet in Jannah too.

A True friend sees a fault gives you advice and defends you in your absence. –  Ali ibn Ali Talib

See Also: Fake Friends Quotes About Friendship That Hurts

No Matter How many new friends you make you can get real comfort from old friends.


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