1000+ Short Inspirational Quotes

53+ Best Strong Woman Quotes & Sayings Images in English

Discover the strength and wisdom of women with these empowering quotes.

strong women quotes

In this era, everyone is busy in the race to be at the top and talks about gender equality. I guess none of them have noticed yet that Women are not to be compared with men. They’re far ahead of men. If women are being oppressed in society it simply means society needs real men who will respect women.

Recommended: 72+ Best Mother Quotes – Mothers Are Always Mothers, Not Only On Mother’s Day

Here I’m adding a new article in our Short Inspirational Quotes, about 50+ Inspirational Strong Women Quotes & Sayings Images in English. In this post, you will find extreme motivational quotes for women.

I will try my best to keep this post updated. Till then you may also share your favorite quotes in the comments i will try to edit them with your reference and upload them as photos in this article.

Inspirational Quotes About Women & Sayings Images




A man’s money will never excite an independent woman.

strong woman quote

The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within strength, courage, and dignity.

beauty woman quotes

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Strong Confident Woman Quotes

I work hard… Because I want to call my mom and tell her she can quit.

work hard quotes for woman

be the kind of woman who makes other girls step their game up.

be kind of a woman

I compete with no one. If what I do threatens you that’s your problem.

woman saying

Honesty is a very expensive gift, don’t expect it from cheap people.

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Beautiful Confident Woman Quotes

I don’t race. I don’t chase. That’s why I can’t be replaced.

strong women quotes pictures

Freedom is the ultimate luxury.

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My strength did not come from lifting weights. My strength came from lifting myself when I was knocked down.

woman strength quotes

I can be as high maintenance as I want. I’m the one paying the bills.

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Girls should never be afraid to be smart. – Emma Watson

woman quote pic

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Motivational Quotes For Women

In a world that constantly seeks motivation and inspiration, women often find themselves at the forefront, demonstrating resilience, courage, and unyielding strength. The journey of a woman encompasses multifaceted roles, and in the pursuit of empowerment, motivational quotes play a significant role.

Amidst the myriad of motivational quotes, Islamic wisdom adds a unique and profound dimension to the narratives that celebrate and uplift women. These Islamic quotes about women encapsulate the teachings that have granted women a special status in Islam, emphasizing their strength, dignity, and invaluable contributions. Let’s delve into a collection of motivational quotes for women, infused with the timeless wisdom of Islamic teachings.

Freedom is my motivation.

motivational quotes for woman

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One day you’re going to text me and receive a reply from my assistant.

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Lie to me and how fast I lose interest in you.

strong women quotes in english

After a while, you just get used to people not understanding you.

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The best revenge is massive Success.

woman life quote

A woman Who is hustling can never understand a woman who is hating.

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The best revenge is showing them that life is better after they’re gone.

woman sayings

Think highly of yourself because the world takes you at your estimate.

strong women quotes images

When you can tell your story and it does not make you cry you know you have healed.

quotes about being a strong woman and moving on

Proud To Be A Woman Quotes

Never stress over people in your past. There’s a reason why they didn’t make it to your future.

woman hard time quotes

A strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink.

challenging woman quote

I was raised to hustle like a man because I was told never to depend on one.

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Many of the most successful men and women in the world never graduated from college. They attended the “school of life” instead.

life quotes for woman

You Are An Amazing Woman Quotes

Divas don’t do drama, we do business.

drama woman quotes

When no one else believed in me. I did

woman quotes

Don’t be a queen waiting on a king, be a queen busy with her kingdom until her king arrives.

queen quotes for woman

Strong Proud Woman Quotes

Don’t stop until you’re proud.


I am proud of the woman I am today because I went through one hell of a time becoming her.

Make Yourself Proud.


It’s better to wait for long.. than marry wrong.

singal woman quotes

To invest in yourself is the best investment of all

investment quotes for woman

Be selfish enough to have self-love. self-worth and self-respect.

selfish woman quotes

You can’t make a man treat you right. But you can make him wish he did.

man vs woman quotes

Just because I’m a girl Doesn’t mean I don’t know how to build an empire.

woman leader quotes

Be happy it drives people crazy.

happiness quotes for woman

It’s easier to run a business when you run your body.

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Best Quotes For Women

On a Mission to build an empire & leave a legacy.

woman leader quote

I live to succeed not to please you or anyone else.

success quotes for woman

The best women are the hardest to deal with because they know their worth.

women quotes

I used to get offended when people said I’ve changed, but now I’m like “Yes… I have.”

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Let’s make money baby. We can fall in love later

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The longer I stay at home, the more homeless I look.

homeless woman quotes

Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace be upon him) wife rode a camel on the same land where women can’t drive cars today. Don’t confuse Saudi Culture with prophetic tradition.

islamic quotes about woman

Some women are lost in the fire. some women are built from it.

life quote for women

Women Leader Quotes

The minute you have a backup plan, You’ve admitted you’re not going to succeed. – Elizabeth Holmes.

bussiness quotes for woman

The goal Isn’t about the money the goal is living. life the way I want to.

goal quotes for woman

A strong Woman Will automatically stop trying if she is unwanted. She won’t fix it or beg, She’ll just walk away.

a strong woman quote

I prefer to earn it. It makes me appreciate it more.

working woman quotes

Hate me for who I am i don’t care at least I’m not pretending to be someone I’m not.

proud to be woman quote

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Independent Women’s Quotes & Sayings

Independent Woman never gets attracted to a rich man. Instead, she works hard to become rich herself.

independent woman quotes

Be a strong woman. So your daughter will have a role model and your son will know what to look for in women when he’s a man.

be a strong woman quote

Beauty Tip: Believe in yourself.

beautiful woman quotes


Hi. I'm Mursaleen Siddique, The guy behind UltraUpdates.com. I'd rather call myself a struggling Blogger. I love Blogging with WordPress, Covering Tech, General Topics, Graphic & Web Design Inspiration., Feel free to get in touch via mentioned social media platform or E-mail me at hello[at]ultraupdates.com


  1. Assalamu alaikum …bro..these quotes r all about women empower…did u expect ur lifepartner as a strong women or dependent women..

    1. Walaikukm Asalam.
      Thank you for commenting on this page. :).. Well I expected her to be strong but she is dependent one. But by the time, she is becoming strong :). ;)


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