A survery report by corporate governance firm Gmi rating take a look on the us Highest paid CEOs, Its not Surprising that Top ten highest paid CEOs are from America. Facebook CEO and Co-Founder Mark Zuckerberg is one of the wealthiest business owners in the world. well How whealthy!!!, you ask?
According to the report Zuckerberg earned nearly $2.3 Billion in 2012 making him the highest paid ceo in North america. THe reason behing his whooping fortune was mainly FACEBOOK IPO, Besides Zuckerberg’s $500,000+ and last year bonous was $266,000+.
Other high paid CEOs on the list are
Apple boss Tim Cook with $143.8 million
Liberty Media Corp’s Gregory Maffei with $254.8 million,
Sirius XM Radio’s Mel Karmazin at $255 million.